Sands & Roadbase


Creation Landscape Supplies has a huge range of sands and roadbases for your garden projects and construction jobs.

Plasterers Sand

Plasterers Sand is used in mortar for rendering and plastering work.

It can also used as a base under paving bricks.

A high quality, locally sourced product.

Available in 25kg bags or bulk quantities.

Prices below:

  • 25kg Take-home bags – $8.00
  • 1m3 of loose product – $99.00
  • 0.66m3 Bulka bag – $105.00

Brickies Sand

Brickies Sand is used in mortar for brick and block laying, as a base under paving and also to fill in holes or leveling uneven lawn and turf.

A high quality, locally sourced product.

Available in 25kg bags or bulk quantities.

Prices below:

  • 25kg Take-home bags – $7.00
  • 1m3 of loose product – $81.00
  • 0.66m3 Bulka bag – $85.50

Clean Fill Sand

A cheaper yellow sand that’s ideal for back filling of large areas.  Clean Fill Sand compacts down well while still achieving good drainage.   It is a non-screened version of Brickies Sand.

If you’re looking to build up an area after excavation or leveling then this is your best and most cost effective solution.

Available in bulk quantities.

Prices below:

  • 1m3 of loose product – $69.00
  • 0.66m3 Bulka bag – $75.50

White Sand

This washed white or ‘playground’ sand is mainly used as a soft fall for childrens play areas and sandpits.

It is also used in mortar to lighten up the colour and to sweep into the gaps between brick pavers to help lock them in place and give the job a clean finish.

We supply White Sand to many of Perth’s local councils, schools, kindergartens and child care centres for sandpits and playgrounds.

Available in 25kgs bags or bulk quantities.

Prices below:

  • 25kg Take-home bags – $9.00
  • 1m3 of loose product – $88.00
  • 0.66m3 Bulka bag – $128.00

Builders Mix

Builders Mix consists of 50 percent Plasterers Sand and 50 percent 14mm Blue Metal.

We prepare our Builders Mix here on-site for your convenience when needing to make concrete.   Just add cement and water and you’re in business.

Talk to our staff to help you with your quantity requirements.

Available in bulk quantities.

Prices below:

  • 1m3 of loose product – $94.00
  • 0.66m3 Bulka bag – $138.00

Cracker Dust

Cracker Dust, also known as decomposed granite, blue metal dust or crusher dust, is a fine crushing of our local blue metal.

It is most commonly used as a base under artificial lawns, in paving screeds and also can be used in pathways and driveways.

Cracker Dust compacts down well while continuing to provide good drainage.  We can stabilise cracker dust with Soilbond or cement to aid compaction and reduce erosion.

Available in 25kgs bags or bulk quantities.

Prices below:

  • 25kg Take-home bags – $8.00
  • 1m3 of loose product – $99.00
  • 0.66m3 Bulka bag – $101.00

Blue Metal Roadbase

This roadbase is a combination of various sizes of blue metal mixed in with blue metal dust.   The  mix binds together really well and compacts to make the perfect roadbase for use under pathways and paving while offering good drainage properties.

It can also be used to make concrete by adding cement and water.

Available in 25kgs bags or bulk quantities.

Prices below:

  • 25kg Take-home bags – $8.00
  • 1m3 of loose product – $102.00
  • 0.66m3 Bulka bag – $103.00

Crushed Limestone Roadbase

Crushed Limestone is commonly used as a roadbase under paved paths and driveways, added to poured limestone concrete or compacted to make an informal garden track or path.

Crushed limestone has great drainage properties and can be used as a sub-base under our fines products.

Size: 10mm down to dust.

Available in 25kgs bags or bulk quantities.

Prices below:

  • 25kg Take-home bags – $8.00
  • 1m3 of loose product – $85.00
  • 0.66m3 Bulka bag – $89.25
  • Bulk delivery
  • Take-home bags
  • Free trailer hire
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